Nov 3, 2024
It’s not the end of the process, but this morning I finished my first read through of Sisterhood. Tomorrow I will move onto a pass using Pro Writing Aid.
The writing on The Lottery is going well, although I think it is going to be another long one. Possibly the longest so far, based on the number of words I’ve already written, and where I am in the story. I’m enjoying it though.
We were out for most of today, at my nephews birthday party. They played laser tag and we sang karaoke. It was a fun day.
Tomorrow Oscar goes back to school, and Tamzin goes back to work, so I’m going to lose some time in the mornings. I think I will still be able to manage everything though.
Stories planned (total): 19
Words written today: 1,066
Words written total: 38,076
Plus / Minus target: +3,076
Currently writing: The Lottery
Minutes today: 23
Minutes total: 73
Plus / Minus target: +13
Currently publishing: Sisterhood
Nov 2, 2024
A good morning of work. I managed to get myself three days ahead on the writing side, and am half a day ahead on editing already. I think that’s a pretty good way to start the weekend.
It’s going to be interesting to find out if I can actually edit every day next week. Tuesdays are the busiest day of the week for me and I have got it into my head that I can’t even find twenty-minutes to do a bit of work. Logically, that’s probably not true, but it might mean that I have to edit on my phone, or grab some time first thing in the morning after I’ve done my writing.
Twenty-minutes doesn’t sound like a lot, but over the course of a year, it’s going to add up to over 120 hours, which is a much better figure. And if I find that I can easily edit this amount, there’s nothing to stop me doing more.
I have to accept that editing is the thing most likely to be disrupted by Christmas and other things. So far I haven’t had to use any of the lead I’ve built up but it’s only a matter of time before that changes. I went into this knowing it would happen, but I think it will still feel a bit like a failure when it does.
Stories planned (total): 18
Words written today: 1,019
Words written total: 37,010
Plus / Minus target: +3,010
Currently writing: The Lottery
Minutes today: 24
Minutes total: 50
Plus / Minus target: +10
Currently publishing: Sisterhood
Nov 1, 2024
Today has been a bit rushed, but I managed to find the time to sit down and do some editing. Maybe not as much as I would have liked, but I hit my target and got six minutes ahead.
I have never really loved the process of editing a story. I love planning stories and I love writing the first draft, but going back over it to look for spelling mistakes and things has always been a bit of a struggle. That’s why I have so many stories that only exist as a first draft. But I need to do it before I can start publishing them.
As you can see below, there is a new section to my daily roundup of work done. I am aiming to average 20 minutes of editing every day. I got a decent chunk done on Sisterhood, but don’t know how long it will take before that is actually published. Once the editing is done I still need to make a cover, format the book, and put it up for sale.
Stories planned (total): 17
Words written today: 1,049
Words written total: 35,991
Plus / Minus target: +2,991
Currently writing: The Lottery
Minutes today: 26
Minutes total: 26
Plus / Minus target: +6
Currently publishing: Sisterhood
Oct 31, 2024
I love Halloween, despite not being allowed to celebrate it as a child, or maybe because of it. Of all the holidays it’s unique in the community aspect: we put decorations up and invite strangers to come to our doors where we give them food. We dress in costumes and talk to other people doing the same.
When I was a kid, I was told it was begging to go to peoples houses asking for sweets, but I don’t see it like that at all.
Of course I love the spooky nature of everything, and this year was especially spooky as a thick mist had fallen when we went out to trick-or-treat. We also saw two black cats and a bat.
I think more holidays should be like Halloween though: imagine if at Easter you gave chocolate eggs out to people dressed like bunnies, or if at Christmas you invited people into your house to share your food. Those holidays, especially Christmas, have become so bloated and insular that it’s almost a shock when they’re over and you have to go out and interact with people who aren’t your family.
The writing went well today. Tomorrow is the start of my editing challenge and I’m looking forward to it. Hopefully you will start seeing some stories published during November.
Stories planned (total): 16
Words written today: 1,051
Words written total: 34,942
Plus / Minus target: +2,942
Currently writing: The Lottery
Oct 30, 2024
I finished the first draft of Son of Mars this morning and moved straight onto The Lottery. It’s a horror story, so very different to the three stories I’ve written so far.
Stories planned (total): 15
Words written today: 1,057
Words written total: 33,891
Plus / Minus target: +2,891
Currently writing: The Lottery
Oct 29, 2024
Super busy day and evening. Should finish Son of Mars tomorrow and move onto the next story, I have plenty to pick from now.
Stories planned (total): 14
Words written today: 1,047
Words written total: 32,834
Plus / Minus target: +2,834
Currently writing: Son of Mars
Oct 28, 2024
Most people probably wouldn’t think it to look at me, but I suffer from an all or nothing personality. No idea where I got it from, but it’s mine to deal with.
It comes out at times like when I try to improve my relationship with the internet. A sensible approach would be to reduce the amount of time I spend online, but I find myself jumping straight to not using the internet at all.
And it snowballs. I go from not using the internet at all to trying to reduce all my technology useage, until I’m ready to sell my phone and computer and go and live off the land.
This writing challenge is a good example of me trying to do the opposite of that. But it wasn’t until yesterday that I realised it.
The first writing challenge I set out to do was a million words in a year. Which I failed. To be fair, I got something like 800,000 so I failed well, but even if I’d managed it, I couldn’t have sustained it. This time things are different. 1,000 words a day is a goal I can hit pretty much every day. It’s not an impressive number, but it’s something I can do consistently. And that’s what I’m looking for.
The same is true for the planning (one story plan a day) and the editing I’m going to be starting on Friday. And now that I’ve realised it, I’m looking at other areas of my life where I can apply this simple goal of being a bit better.
Stories planned (total): 13
Words written today: 1,048
Words written total: 31,787
Plus / Minus target: +2,787
Currently writing: Son of Mars
Oct 27, 2024
I don’t know for sure that Son of Mars isn’t going to work. Like I’ve said before; when I’m in the middle of writing something, I’m the worst judge of whether it’s any good. I might get to the editing stage and find out I really like the story and that it (whisper it) might even be good. But it also might not be.
I’ve been thinking about that a bit recently and trying to work out what to do. I am successfully overcoming my desire to stop writing a story because I don’t think it’s good (while I’m writing it), but there’s still the chance that I don’t think it’s good after I’ve edited it. Do I still go ahead and publish that story?
I don’t know the answer to that at the moment. I know Dean Wesley Smith would say that I should publish it and let readers decide, and maybe that’s what I’ll do. It’s probably what I should do.
Even if I do publish it, there is still a chance that it won’t be any good. That it doesn’t really work. I’m still (re-)finding my feet with this writing and publishing thing, so I’m not going to pretent that everything I write will be solid gold. But then not everything I published before was either. I’m happy to admit that some of the stuff I wrote and published isn’t any good, but maybe what I think is no good, and what you think is no good, aren’t the same.
I’m just thinking through this. I don’t have an answer. At the moment, it’s making it easier to finish a story if I tell myself I don’t have to publish it, and that’s half the challenge I’ve got going here. Maybe by the time I get to the editing and publishing stage, I won’t feel so connected to the thing and can put it out.
Writing went well this morning and it’s feeling more natural to put together a story plan. On Friday I will be starting the editing / post-production part of the challenge and, as you can probably tell from the post above, I’m a bit anxious about that.
Stories planned (total): 12
Words written today: 1,057
Words written total: 30,739
Plus / Minus target: +2,739
Currently writing: Son of Mars
Oct 26, 2024
It has been 27 days since I started this writing challenge and I am at 29,682 words, which means I am averaging 1,099 words per day. And, if I’m honest, it’s starting to feel easy. So I am thinking about increasing my daily word count to 1,100 words per day at the start of November.
It’s not that I particularly want this to feel like hard work, but I would like to feel aware of the challenge.
Of course, an alternative argument is that I will be starting the editing and publishing portion of the challenge in November, and that will brings its own challenges. So maybe it’s premature to think about changing the rules until all the pieces of the game are in play.
Stories planned (total): 11
Words written today: 1,030
Words written total: 29,682
Plus / Minus target: +2,682
Currently writing: Son of Mars
Oct 25, 2024
Not a lot to add. I’ve written my words for the day and planned my story. It’s been good.
Stories planned (total): 10
Words written today: 1,109
Words written total: 28,652
Plus / Minus target: +2,652
Currently writing: Son of Mars