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I’m not sure why but this morning felt like a slog. I got my 1,000+ words, but only just made it before I had to stop and get on with other things. Tomorrow will probably be better.

On the editing side of things: I am thinking about kicking it all off in November. I’m not sure exactly how that’s going to work, but I think I need to find a similar approach to what I’m doing with first draft stuff.

It’s not that I don’t want to edit, but something else always seems to get in the way.

The simplest thing would be to make a daily commitment to an amount of time, and maybe increase that gradually, as I am doing with reading.

At the end of the day, I got my words done, so I am counting that as a win.

Words written today: 1,037

Words written total: 16,493

Plus / Minus target: +1,493

Currently writing: The Last Outpost

Currently publishing: Sisterhood

Latest release: n/a