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I haven’t spoken much about reading recently so thought I’d give you a quick update on where I am with that.

I started off October with a plan to make it a habit to read for 40 minutes per day. And that went well but it didn’t really feel like enough.

Back in the day, ten years ago probably, I was reading so much. I was getting through 75+ books a year. Now I’m currently on 32 books for the year and in 2023, I only read 36 books total.

It’s not that I don’t love reading. It’s one of my favourite things to do, but there’s always something else that’s easier to do and there are so many distractions and… you know how it goes.

There are a lot of personal reasons why my reading has taken a hit. Just looking at the dates when it dropped off it’s easy to connect it to Jude.dropped off it’s easy to connect it to Jude. And that makes sense.

The thing is, reading and writing are so closely connected that trying to get back into writing without getting back into reading isn’t going to work.

So in the last couple of weeks I’ve been reading a lot more. I’m listening to audiobooks, I have three digital books on the go and most of the time when I’m not writing, I’m reading. I’m not tracking any of it in the short term, but the numbers will be reflected in the number of books I finish each year.

I’m enjoying it a lot and really enjoying it.

And on the writing stuff: that went very well, but nothing to really tell you about that.


Stories planned (total): 8


Words written today: 1,150

Words written total: 26,496

Plus / Minus target: +2,496

Currently writing: Son of Mars