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In the last few years, the main way I have written first drafts has been pen and paper, so that might be one reason this morning felt a little awkward.

I got up just before six, which gave me enough time to feed the cats and make a cup of coffee before I got started. Then I sat at my computer and faced the blank page with only the vaguest idea of what I was going to write. But I made a start on what turns out to be a fantasy set in a kind of medieval society. There’s no title for the story as yet. I think I’ll see where it goes first.

I used to write a lot quicker than I managed today. That’s one thing I hope I get back with this year of practice. At the moment, typing doesn’t feel as natural as it should.

A good start though, I got my thousand words, plus 91 in the bank for when I need them.

Words written today: 1,091
Words written total: 1,091
Plus / Minus target: +91

Currently writing: TBC
Currently publishing: n/a
Latest release: n/a