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The theory as I understand it, is that it takes 21 days to build a new habit. Seeing as this is my 29th daily blog post in a row, and the 22nd day of writing 1,000 words, I would say that means I’ve built the habit of doing those things. It feels closer to automatic now. I don’t need to keep reminding myself that they are things that have to be done.

I am also in the process of building the habit of coming up with a story idea every day and writing a brief outline. Today is only day six of that, so I guess I can’t expect it to be a proper habit until sometime in November. When I will also be building the habit of editing/publishing every day.

The writing this morning went well. There’s not really a lot more than that to say about it at now: I get up, make coffee, and write. That’s what it being a habit means really, there’s no drama to doing it, I just sit down and get on with it.

The same is less true of pre-production, but only because there is no fixed time in the day when I sit down and do it. I’m guessing the same will be true for post-production because I won’t even be doing that every day. Those things are probably going to take longer to turn into habits but I’ll get there eventually.


Stories planned (total): 6


Words written today: 1,158

Words written total: 24,228

Plus / Minus target: +2,228

Currently writing: Son of Mars