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I’m getting into the groove of writing now, but there’s still one piece missing: reading. It’s an important part of the writing process. If you don’t read, you can’t write.

I am reading every day, of course, but not as much as I would like. So, with the ongoing success of this writing challenge, I am thinking of adding a reading challenge.

It could be as simple as setting a daily amount of time for reading, but that doesn’t feel like the way I want to go. What I am currently drawn towards is what I’ll call the Bradbury Challenge.

Every day read one short story, one poem and one essay.

That seems like exactly the kind of challenge that would fit in with my writing challenge. It has the added benefit of being something I can do on a computer or on my phone that would prevent me using the internet so much.

I tried the Bradbury challenge once before and really enjoyed it. It was while I wasn’t working though, so my concern is whether I can find the time to do it now that I have a job. I should be able to. I could certainly stand to take some more time away from Reddit and doomscrolling the news.

I will give it some thought over the next few days and decide whether or not to commit.


Stories planned (total): 24


Words written today: 1,013

Words written total: 43,276

Plus / Minus target: +3,276

Currently writing: The Lottery


Minutes today: 24

Minutes total: 186

Plus / Minus target: +26

Currently publishing: Sisterhood